Monday, January 26, 2009

Pennsylvania Adventure

I had a big trip out to the land of Mama's people in Northeastern PA.

I was geared up for the cold and Papa got to chop a lot of wood.

Auntie Liz is going to have TWO babies at one time.
I helped her practice. And shared style secrets. Stripes are IN.

Uncle George help lighten her load (me).

I got to know dogs.

We visited Pop Simpson.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Tent City

Cousins having fun in the new tent from Pop Simpson


Fun at G.G.'s house.
I've got a lot to take care of.
I finally got the hang of my cool walking toy from Aunt Maggie & Uncle Ricky.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Noodle Love 2

Papa's dream of the perfect mini-me (mini-him) has come true.
We can now fully enjoy the Pho together.
I even partied with the broth in the big spoon! Yum!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!

Mama and Papa took me to the coldest place on earth today
(Jamestown RI), then Papa stripped down with a bunch of crazy people
and jumped in the ocean! Is this "normal"?!??!
At least there was a giant penguin to entertain me.