My girlfriend Cosima is always hanging out in these chic hotels, so I thought I'd impress her by invading Vermont and hitting a historic hotel in Ludlow.
There were lots of trees EVERYWHERE and a big train went
right by the house several times a day. It was awesome.
We all loved the heated pool. Me especially.
We drove up most of the big mountain and then "hiked"
to the summit. Papa helped me hike. I directed.
right by the house several times a day. It was awesome.
We all loved the heated pool. Me especially.
to the summit. Papa helped me hike. I directed.
I REALLLY wanted to scale the perilous fire tower
on the top of the summit. But, for some unfair reason
mean Mama and Papa wouldn't let me.
on the top of the summit. But, for some unfair reason
mean Mama and Papa wouldn't let me.
What an adventure Ezra! Your Mama and Papa must love you soooo much to take you to a wonderful place. Vermont is beautiful and full of trees and fun things to do.. I am so glad you had a good trip.
Auntie Mary.
EZRA! You are so handsome in your Alpine gear. You do that just to tease me don't you? You know I was born in Bavaria. I see us eating prezels in front of that big stone fire....
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