My girlfriend Cosima is always hanging out in these chic hotels, so I thought I'd impress her by invading Vermont and hitting a historic hotel in Ludlow.

Here I am chillaxing in my leather chair by the awesome fireplace.

There were lots of trees EVERYWHERE and a big train went
right by the house several times a day. It was awesome.

We all loved the heated pool. Me especially.

We drove up most of the big mountain and then "hiked"
to the summit. Papa helped me hike. I directed.

I REALLLY wanted to scale the perilous fire tower
on the top of the summit. But, for some unfair reason
mean Mama and Papa wouldn't let me.
Here I am showing my feeling about this injustice.

Stop taking pictures Mama. I'm mad! Fire tower! I try! I try!

Here is my Alpine dance.